CubeSAT Cybersecurity Challenge
November 17, 2020
The ASCEND CUBESAT Learning CTF is learning laboratory intended to demonstrate satellite operations cybersecurity defense and hacking principals and techniques to participants of all levels of cybersecurity proficiency, through hand-on instruction conducted by space systems experts. Participants will learn and practice hacking techniques on a simulated, remotely accessible CUBESAT system.
Here you will find the videos and documents from the CubeSAT Cybersecurity Challenge Workshop. Your presenters are Andrew Santangelo, CTO sci_Zone, Dr. Arun Viswanathan, NASA JPL, and Dr. Gregory Falco, Assistant research Professor at Johns Hopkins University’s Civil & Systems Engineering Department
Section 1: CubeSAT 101
Section 2: Attack Methodology
The CubeSAT User Interface:
LinkStar radio and QuickSAT/VMS Interface
Cyberattack: Scenario 1
Cyberattack: Scenario 2,
Viewing Data...Prelude to Attack.
Cyberattack: Scenario 2
Cyberattack: Scenario 3
After The Cyber Attack